Cyber Security Forum- April 11
Date and Time
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018 Tuesday Apr 10, 2018
Wednesday, April 11
check-in/networking 3:00 pm - bring a picture ID
program 3:30 - 5:00 pm
To insure a seat, please register by Tuesday - April 10 at 5 pm
All guests must clear security, please arrive by 3:00 on April 10 by 5 pm
The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
2200 N. Pearl St.
Dallas, Tx 75201
Parking in the Fed lot off Thomas Ave. - North end of the building
$15 members / $25 non-members
Contact Information
Drew Snow
Send Email

Blockchain in the Enterprise – Ready or Not!
It’s more than BitCoin. Blockchain at the Enterprise includes smart contracts, international business transactions, supply chain and more. What about security, standardization and regulatory questions? Our panel of experts takes Blockchain to the next level.
Gurvinder Ahluwalia - CEO Digital Twin Labs
“Gurvinder is an expert in Blockchain, IoT, and Cloud. His contribution to seminal proof in the use of Blockchain as a next generation architecture for IoT is widely regarded in the industry. He is currently engaged in consulting, product development, and co-owned launch of token-based venture formations.”
Ven Kumar - IBM Blockchain executive
Passionate about Blockchain and Machine Learning. Have been deeply involved in Blockchain ( Hyperledger) based solutions for food provenance, Supply chain visibility and Health &Wellness ( care giver) as it applies to retail. Also focussed on retail solutions involving Big data, Advanced Analytics, machine Learning/Deep Learning leveraging cloud and GPU.
Mark Rasmussen - Jones Day
Mark advises clients on regulatory issues related to cryptocurrencies, ICO's and Blockchain technology
Jon West - Thomson Reuters, VP IT, Blockchain
Jon has 39 years of leadership in SaaS development and leads the Thomson Reuters Blockchain initiative
Stephen Ellis - North Texas Blockchain Alliance -Executive Director
My passion is Research. I am endlessly obsessed with finding new information and looking to see what it can tell me about the world. Through the pursuit of this passion I have been able to discover and work with various emerging technologies from innovative financial developments in FinTech to the birth of Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology.
Host - Matt Davies - AVP - Communications - The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
This is also the kick-off event for the Blockchain Forum Debut.
Join the following participants in our newest forum:
North Texas Blockchain Alliance (Stephen Ellis)
Jones Day (Mark Rasmussen)
Texas Instruments (Vishal Mehra)
Thomson Reuters Tax and Accounting (Jon West, Gabrielle Madison)
Norton Rose Fulbright (Robert Greeson, Ron Smith)
Caudicum (Craig Hall)
UT Dallas Center for Financial Strategy Innovation (Elizabeth Jones, David Springate)
Tech Titans (Paul Bendel, Shannon Skripka)