Blockchain Forum - March 5
Date and Time
Tuesday Mar 5, 2019
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CST
check in: 11:30 am
program: 12 - 1 pm
lunch included
2360 Cambpell Creek Blvd.
Suite 525
Richardson, TX 75082
$20 non-members
$15 members
$25 non-members
Contact Information
Shannon Skripka
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Why digital currency is important to corporations
Speaker: Jon West, Vercey Blockchain Consulting
Cryptocurrencies have a deservedly bad reputation. They have been used for several harmful and illegal activities. It is therefore easy to dislike them, write them off, etc. What if all of the bad stuff is getting fixed? What if one takes a look at what can be done with digital currencies that cannot be done with fiat? Answers to these questions begin to paint a very different picture for digital currencies.
Come listen to Jon provide answers to the following questions:
- What advantages to digital currencies have over fiat?
- Why will we see trillions of digital currency transactions?
- What is the potential economic impact of digital currencies?
- What are the different ways this will affect corporations and individuals?
- Why are governments beginning to support digital currencies?
- How will this impact corporations, banks, and individuals?
Jon West is the founder of Vercey Blockchain Consulting. He has 25+ years of experience, first as a software engineer, then architect, then global technology and business leader. Most of his career has been focused on creating cloud-based SaaS products. He spent the last two years leading Blockchain R&D for Thomson Reuters. He currently consults for larger corporates to help them understand and apply Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). He also advises several DLT startups and he has a startup of his own. Jon speaks locally, nationally, and globally. He is a tri-chair for the Tech Titans Blockchain Forum. He chaired a committee for the Accounting Blockchain Association. He also serves on the Blockchain Committee for Dallas Startup Week.
Seats are limited. Register early!
The Program will assume the audience has basic to medium understanding of DLT concepts.
Still have questions about blockchain? Checkout this quick visual guide by Thomson Reuters.
Payment is necessary at the time of reservations. Due to catering requirements we must charge for reservations not canceled three days prior to the event. Unclaimed reservations during the event will be relinquished at noon. Walk-in customers will be seated based on space availability.